
Şubat, 2000 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Epicenter : Golcuk

We have lost so many things in the earthquake that we have experienced recently... Then a second one came... It has been 6 months since then. While we were getting concentrated on aid scandals, religious and political exploitations, permanent or temporary accommodation projects, etc, we missed one thing : We have experienced an earthquake and lost things that we will never be able to bring back... Not only many families passed away or broke apart but also our streets with whom we shared our dreams, our play gardens, our schools were lost... And they will never come back again. --------- Golcuk... A city of Republic... Established in 1925... It is the heart of the dockyard and the Navy... Golcuk had hosted the American Military Base during Cold War, too... Ismail Barış – Mayor - speaks Centrum behind the Naval Base embraces the Gulf between Kavakli and Yuzbasilar... Golcuk lies inside the sea but away from her by heart now for the unexpected betrayal her closest friend, the sea, has co